Saturday, July 03, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Post

It's late afternoon and already a good deal has happened. The morning started off with a great hike in Griffith Park - ending with a nice scenic lookout of Downtown L.A. The hike included two fellow writers/designers and besides enjoying the dusty workout, got a bit of work shop talk in (websites, head shots, articles and promoting one's brand). Watched Spain kick Paraguay's butt (seriously that guy should have got three points for that kick back into the net), drove a friend to LAX, enjoyed some light house cleaning and currently taking a break from a last-minute weekend assignment. I actually like last-minute assignments, I have a hard time saying no to editors (which is probably why I have yet to do that). Post afternoon writing session (my favorite), the evening will include a ladies night, sans the clubs. I'm not at all interested in overpriced, syrupy drinks, spandex thigh-clenching outfits wrapped on over-done up girls, nor tackily dressed men equipped with nothing but over-doused cologne and cheesy tactics. I'd much rather spend a night doing like the English, a "proper, quality time amongst fellows at the pub." 

I have a small (and growing) succulent family. Each one has its story. The first (on the left) came home with me after high-tea brunch with the ladies at the Huntington Gardens here in Pasadena. They were having a sale and I just had to take one of the babies home. The seller was telling me that most of the plants, some from places as far away as South Africa, were for sale because it was excess from ordering of the Huntington. 
The middle was a housewarming gift from a friend who home-grown the baby from another succulent. It's tiny and has even tinier roots and has been with me since I first moved in. 

The last one on the right is the most recent addition to the family. It was a gift from my first house guest, who incidentally broke off the last budding end minutes before I picked her up from the train station. Obviously, not on purpose. Too bad but at least the rest of it is doing fantastic. Absolutely love the zebra white stripes. 

In other good news, I think I found my comforter. I like it because it's nature-inspired, soothing and a bit lighter than my current Calvin Klein comforter, even though I have absolutely loved the collection for seven years. I can just see myself on it reading, writing on my laptop or napping with Francesca. Now, onto curtains! I'm thinking something white, sheer and airy ...

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