Just spent a quick afternoon hearing Sandra Tsing Loh's new science show--very wacky and educational (even if we're talking about Boole Algebra). The hour-long performance featured Caltech professor Dr. Shuki Bruck, as well as The Brady Bunch's cousin Oliver (Robbie Rist), who, as part of the show, pretended to be a Caltech scientist. The actual Caltech scientist, donning a tee that said, "I tried to be good but then I got bored," offered just as humorous responses to explain Boole Algebra. After the show, was a wine and meet-and-greet session. I had a nice moment to talk with Sandra since our interview. Apparently she is also teaching a writing class at USC, in addition to testing out this new family-friendly version of her science show, and hosting her current KPCC radio gig. An odd observation perhaps, but when you're talking with her face to face, she sounds exactly as if you're listening to that same distinctive voice you hear everyday on "The Loh Down on Science."
More on my Sunday afternoon.

Francesca getting ready for dinner, post sunning.
Huntington Garden succulent baby doing just fine.
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