This week at work, I had to face hearing from a former editor, who only last year, had sent me packing at the end of the work day, tears in tow. At the time, when I was unexpectedly and insensitively cast off by the very journo folks who I’d assumed would jumpstart my career aspirations, I’d felt defeated. I can still remember nimbly scooping up the last of my belongings from my EA desk. I had some great friends/reporters sitting next to me and was beyond devastated knowing I would not see them the next morning or pass our Trader Joes snacks over cubicle walls. When this happened, my goodness, I’d just flown the collegiate womb. I was crushed by the fact that I’d been let go from the first FT publishing job I’d landed! Afterwards, I literally felt nauseous with the devastating thought that I would never find footing again in the publishing industry. Details aside, I did get the boot that beautiful day in August and for whatever reason—good, bad or stupid—it forced me to change my perspective about my industry for the better (I’m still an idealist and want to be an editor for a national pub, working with the likes of Susan Cernek, Susan Shapiro and Plum Sykes).
But as brutal as that experience was, it forced me to grow up fast. Weeks later, I realized that if I was to continue doing what I wanted to do: A freelance journalist, that I was going to have to embrace rejection as a part of my profession. I recently read from How to Get a Freelance Lifethat “In this business, rejection letters are the norm.” I would expand on that and say that beyond just trying to sell ideas for stories, you are selling yourself as a brand. Whether it’s working your nepotism, network, personality or reputation to get work done, every professional writer,who I’ve talked couldn’t get through this industry without employing at least two of those factors. I have used connections to get jobs. I’ve gotten call backs for magazine jobs based on my personality–this I know since I didn’t have the right (read: no) experience for that particular publication’s subject. For another thing, the scarlet F(ired) is pretty widespread in my industry.
It’s like a “rite of passage,” as my boyfriend had pointed it out once. Hmm … It seems the print folks are getting enough rites of passages that would put to shame any fraternities going through rush. It reminds me of one of those store front announcements, “Everything Must to Go!” Well, everything is going, i.e. print news is being bought up, split apart and watered down to online versions. Sorry, some newspaper web versions just can’t compete with their print counterparts.
These days I still am a complete ingĂ©nue in my industry, but the difference is that I have continued pushing myself through the “rejection” and accrued more experience and a stronger sense of “writer” self because of it. Today, I get to write a lot more that I expected and work with different editors on topics that interest me or that I’ve crafted on my own. And I’m constantly reading tons about my industry. I read FishBowlLA, Mediabistro newsletters, Ed2010 newsletters, Huffington Post, LA Times, Ideal Bite, Daily Candy, Gawker, Glamour’s Storked and Susan Cernek’s blogs (OK, that’s just for fun). Last fall, I even joined a book club just for editors/writers. The girls are so hip and nice! Next on our list is Cathy Alter’s “Up for Renewal: What magazines taught me about love, sex and starting over.” Apparently, the woman hit rock bottom, and decided to take one year off to take advice–no questions asked–from women’s magazines. Not sure if that’d be my route, but I love reading inspiring stories about how people keep the faith, work hard, accomplish dreams and then lead more satisfying lives. I think anyone can grab their dream if they want it and are willing to work harder than they ever have before. For me, working in publishing has become a dominant thought in my head. I’m not joking when I say it’s pretty close to being obsessed with something. I can’t remember spending as much time thinking, planning and acting on something that I wanted to achieve, than with writing. I can spend half my day thinking about what I can do, who I can talk to, or what I can write about to get me where I want to be. But it’s great, it’s a happy obsession passion of mine that I want to live by.
Happily, I’ve even stayed in touch with friends from that job. I will even be seeing some of those folks tonight.